Oct 11, 2021About Patenting0 comments

You’ve developed your invention and have decided it is time to patent it.  Now it’s time to find a good patent attorney to prepare and file your patent application and to represent you in prosecuting your application before the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.  How do you find the attorney who is right for you?

Registration to Practice: To represent another before the USPTO, a person must have technical qualifications and pass a rigorous exam in order to become a registered patent practitioner.  No one who is not registered, even though they may be an attorney, may represent another person in patent matters before the USPTO.

Nationwide License: While most legal matters require an attorney to be licensed in the particular geographic jurisdiction in which they practice, a registration to practice before the USPTO is a nationwide license.  A registered patent attorney may represent a client anywhere in preparing, filing and prosecuting a U.S. patent application.

Free initial consultation: Many patent attorneys will provide a free initial consultation to find out the general nature of your invention and to provide you with a description of their practice.  First time patentees are well advised to seek out patent attorneys who provide such a free consultation, because this is a good way to find an attorney who is right for your needs and budget.

Attorney listings: Information on finding a patent practitioner is available from the USPTO at Finding a patent practitioner | USPTO.  In addition, online services such as, and, provide search tools for finding patent attorneys.v

Fee quotes: Patent attorneys you consult for potential engagement should be able to provide you with a quote for the services you may need to move forward with patenting your invention.  In early discussions, it may not be possible to arrive at a firm quote, but the attorney should give you a pretty good idea of the outlay that will be required in each stage of the patenting process.

Personality: As with any professional you hire, you should feel comfortable in working with your patent attorney.  Patenting is a drawn out process that requires a good professional relationship.  If you are not comfortable with a potential attorney, seek out another one.


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